Search results for: Michigan. Legislature. House of Representatives. Fiscal Agency

Showing 1 - 20 results of 111 Refine Results
  1. 1

    The crisis in the Michigan criminal justice system : causes, consequences, and options

    Authors: Gregory, Warren C.
    Published: House Fiscal Agency, 1989
    Physical Description: 24 pages, 2 unnumbered pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
  2. 2

    Silent depression : prescriptions for an ailing industrial giant

    Authors: Gregory, Warren C.
    Published: House Fiscal Agency, 1992
    Physical Description: xvi, 61 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
  3. 3

    Michigan community colleges At Risk student success program grant expenditures for 1991-92.

    Published: House Fiscal Agency, 1993
    Physical Description: 2 unnumbered pages, vi, 15, 3 leaves ; 28 cm
  4. 4

    The Governor's ... budget proposal : review and analysis

    Physical Description: volumes : illustrations ; 28 cm
    Government Document Serial
  5. 5

    State of Michigan fiscal year ... appropriations : summary and analysis

    Published: House Fiscal Agency, 1995
    Physical Description: volumes : illustrations ; 28 cm
    Government Document Serial
  6. 6

    Investment budgeting : moving back to Michigan's future

    Authors: Gregory, Warren C.
    Published: House Fiscal Agency, 1991
    Physical Description: xvi, 60 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
  7. 7

    Revenue sharing : an assessment of selected alternatives

    Authors: Kolinski, Emily
    Published: Michigan House Fiscal Agency, 1996
    Physical Description: 27 pages, 3 unnumbered pages ; 28 cm.
    Government Document Book
  8. 8

    The prison bed space impact of proposed sentencing reforms.

    Published: Michigan House Fiscal Agency, 1996
    Physical Description: 26 pages, 2 unnumbered pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
    Government Document Book
  9. 9

    A history of Indian gaming in Michigan

    Published: Michigan House Fiscal Agency, 1996
    Physical Description: 12 pages : maps ; 28 cm.
    Government Document Book
  10. 10

    Fiscal fundamentals : : a manual on Michigan state governmental finances

    Published: The Agency, 1999
    Physical Description: volumes : illustrations ; 28 cm
    Government Document Serial
  11. 11

    Quarterly appropriations and expenditures report.

    Physical Description: volumes ; 28 cm
    Government Document Serial
  12. 12

    Michigan economic outlook and House Fiscal Agency revenue estimates, fiscal years ...

    Published: House Fiscal Agency, 1996
    Physical Description: volumes ; 28 cm
    Government Document Serial
  13. 13

    Directory of state-administered grant $.

    Physical Description: volumes ; 22 x 28 cm
  14. 14

    State cash flow and borrowing costs

    Authors: Bean, Mitchell E.
    Published: House Fiscal Agency, 1997
    Physical Description: 38 pages ; 28 cm.
  15. 15

    Federal welfare reform : answers to the 21 questions you wanted to ask

    Authors: Freeman, Myron
    Published: State of Michigan, House of Representatives, House Fiscal Agency, 1996
    Physical Description: v, 15 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
    Government Document Book
  16. 16

    Department of Community Health appropriation bill, fiscal years 1997-98 : House Bill 4306, Public Act 94 of 1997

    Authors: Alston, Margaret
    Published: House Fiscal Agency, 1998
    Physical Description: 54 pages ; 28 cm.
  17. 17

    House Fi$cal Agency update : key economic indicators.

    Published: House Fiscal Agency, 1995
    Physical Description: 3 volumes : illustrations ; 28 cm
    Government Document Journal
  18. 18

    Fiscal forum : a House Fiscal Agency publication.

    Physical Description: volumes ; 28 cm
  19. 19

    State of Michigan revenue : source and distribution.

    Physical Description: volumes : illustrations ; 28 cm
  20. 20

    The community college funding formula : a look at its components

    Authors: Summers-Coty, Kathryn
    Published: House Fiscal Agency, 1998
    Physical Description: 48 pages : map ; 28 cm.