Search results for: Statistical Office of the European Communities

Showing 1 - 20 results of 689 Refine Results
  1. 1

    Handbook on residential property prices indices (RPPIs) :2013 edition

    Authors: Statistical Office of the European Communities
    Published: International Monetary Fund 2013
    International Monetary Fund (IMF) eLibrary: 2013
    Electronic eBook
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    Authors: Statistical Office of the European Communities
    Published: International Monetary Fund, 2019
    International Monetary Fund (IMF) eLibrary: 2019
    Electronic eBook
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    Statistisk kvartalsbulletin for jern og stål. : Vierteljährliches statistisches Bulletin Eisen und Stahl. Quarterly iron and steel statistical bulletin. Bulletin trimestriel des st...

    Physical Description: volumes : illustrations ; 30 cm
    Government Document Serial
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    Udenrigshandel ; måneds statistik. Aussenhandel; Monatsstatistik. Foreign trade; monthly statistics.

    Physical Description: 4 volumes in 2. ; 29 cm
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    Commerce extérieur ; statistique mensuelle. Foreign trade; monthly statistics.

    Physical Description: 1 volume ; 39 cm
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    Aussenhandel ; Monatsstatistik.

    Physical Description: 12 volumes : illustrations ; 28 cm, Also issued online.
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    Statistische Studien und Erhebungen = Études et enquêtes statistiques = Studi ed indagini statistiche = Statistische studies en enquêtes.

    Published: The Office, 1968
    Physical Description: volumes ; 27 cm
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    Månedlig statistik for æg. : Monatliche Statistik von Eiern. Monthly statistics of eggs.

    Published: [De Europæiske fællesskabers statistiske kontor], 1976
    Physical Description: 4 volumes : illustrations ; 30 cm
    Government Document Journal
  11. 11

    Månedlige bulletin over udenrigshandelen = Monatsbulletin der Aussenhandelsstatistik = Monthly external trade bulletin.

    Published: Statistical Office of the European Communities, 1976
  12. 12

    Månedlig statistik for kød. : Monatliche Statistik von Fleisch. Monthly statistics of meat.

    Published: De Europæiske fællesskabers statistiske kontor, 1976
    Physical Description: volumes : illustrations, tables ; 30 cm, Also issued online.
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    Stikprøveundersøgelse af arbejdsstyrken. : Stichprobenerhebung über Arbeitskräfte. Labour force sample survey.

    Physical Description: volumes ; 30 cm
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    Månedlig statistik for mælk. : Monatliche Statistik von Milch. Monthly statistics of milk.

    Physical Description: volumes : illustrations ; 30 cm
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    Kvartalsbulletin for industriproduktionen. : Vierteljährliches Bulletin der industriellen Produktion. Quarterly bulletin of industrial production.

    Physical Description: 4 volumes : illustrations ; 30 cm, Also issued online.
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    Kvartalsvis fiskeribulletin. : Vierteljährliches Fischereibulletin. Quarterly bulletin of fisheries.

    Physical Description: 2 volumes ; 30 cm
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    Fiskeri: Fiskeriprodukter og fiskeriflåden. : Fischerei: Fischwaren und Fischereiflotten. Fisheries: fishery products and fishing fleet.

    Physical Description: volumes ; 30 cm
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    Kvartalsbulletin energistatistik. : Vierteljährliches Bulletin der Energiestatistik. Quarterly bulletin of energy statistics.

    Physical Description: 1 volume ; 27-30 cm
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    Sociale indikatorer for de Europaeiske Faellesskaber. : Sozialindikatoren für die Europäische Gemeinschaft. Social indicators for the European Community.

    Physical Description: volumes : color illustrations ; 30 cm
    Government Document Serial