Note:Title from cover.
Imprint varies.
Call Number:PN4700 .J7
Published:Vol. 4, no. 4 (Jan. 1928)-v.71, no. 4(winter 1994).
Publication Frequency:Quarterly.
Indexed Selectively By:
America, history and life 0002-7065 1954-1971.
Annual bibliography of English language and literature 0066-3786.
Book review index 0524-0581.
Historical abstracts. Part A. Modern history abstracts 0363-2717 1954-1971.
Historical abstracts. Part B. Twentieth century abstracts 0363-2725 1954-1971.
LLBA, language and language behavior abstracts 0023-8295.
MLA international bibliography of books and articles on the modern languages and literatures (Complete edition) 0024-8215.
Sociological abstracts 0038-0202.
Additional Physical Form:
Available also on microfilm and microfiche from University Microfilms.
Issuing Body Note:
Issued by: American Association of Schools and Departments of Journalism and American Association of Teachers of Journalism, <Mar. 1932->; American Association of Teachers of Journalism and Association of Accredited Schools and Departments of Journalism, <Mar. 1949->; Association for Education in Journalism, American Association of Schools and Departments of Journalism, and Kappa Tau Alpha, <winter 1955->; Association for Education in Journalism, American Association of Schools and Departments of Journalism, and American Society of Journalism School Administrators, <spring 1972->; Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication and Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication, <spring 1985->; Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, <winter 1990->
Cumulative Indexes:
Vols. 1 (1924)-40 (1963). (Includes index to: Journalism bulletin) 1 v.