The western tourist and emigrant's guide : with a compendious gazetteer of the states of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri, and of the territories of Wisconsin, and Iowa : being an accurate and concise description of each state, territory, and county, and an alphabetical arrangement of every city, town, post village or hamlet, the county in which they are situated, their distance from the capital of the state, and from Washington City, also, describing all the principal stage routes, canals, rail-roads, and the distances between the towns : accompanied with a correct map, showing the lines of the United States' surveys / by J. Calvin Smith.

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Smith, J. Calvin (John Calvin)
Published: New York : J.H. Colton, 1839.
Series:Sabin, Joseph, 1821-1881. Dictionary of books relating to America. 82931.
Physical Description:vi, 180 pages ; 16 cm
Format: Microfilm Book

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