Johann Websters, med. pract., Untersuchung der vermeinten und so genannten Hexereyen / Aus dem Englischen ins Teutsche übersetzt, und nebst einer Vorrede des Hrn. Geheimbden Raths Thomassii.

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Webster, John, 1611-1682
Other Authors: Thomasius, Christian, 1655-1728
Language of the Original:
Published: Halle, im Magdeburgischen : In Verlegung der neuen Buchhandlung, 1719.
Ownership and Custodial History:
MSU: Laid-in material transferred to folder in MSS 466 box 1 folder 19.
Local Note:
MSU: Criminology Collection.
MSU: Copy 2 printed in Fraktur.
MSU: Binding information for Copy 2 only (#563): vellum lined with paper over boards; spine inscribed in ink; plain endpapers, an area of the pastedown excised; text sewn on three vellum tapes with abbreviated lacing; lining of vellum strips between tapes, brought over; headbands worked on vellum manuscript fragments, written in a small, fine hand; stuck on; a smaller format book/pamphlet bound in at the back in a notable way: the text folds are staggered up and down the height of the larger book; text edges stained blue.
Physical Description:1 page L., 56, 611 pages, 97 unnumbered pages : frontispiece ; 21 x 18 cm
Variant Title:
Untersuchung der vermeinten und so genannten Hexereyen.
Format: Book

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