Title: Des edlen hochberumbten rittermässigen Manns Friderici Grisoni Neapoltanius beschreibung rütterlichen tugennt der Reutterey wahre gerechte ordnungen vnd lehren die Pferdt gerecht inn alle geradigkeit zum Ernnst vnnd Kurtzweill geschickt vnnd volkhomben zumachen durch Josephen Höchstettern uffs ainfelttigest verteutscht ...

Call Number: XX codex MSS 191

Location: MSU Special Collections - Veterinary Medicine

Status: Library Use Only

Special Collections: Material will be retrieved for viewing in the Special Collections Reading Room.

UBorrow: Borrow from the Big 10 libraries, typically available for pickup in 3-5 business days (MSU Students, Staff and Faculty only)

Inter-library Loan: Request materials through the Inter-library Loan Request Form. Typically available for pickup in 3-14 business days (MSU Students, Staff and Faculty only)