Gospel sonnets or Spiritual songs : In six parts. 1. The believer's espousals. 2. The believer's jointure. 3. The believer's riddle. 4. The believer's lodging. 5. The believer's soliloquy. 6. The believer's principles. Concerning creation and redemption-- law and Gospel-- justification and sanctification-- faith and sense-- heaven and earth. / By the late Reverend Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the Gospel at Dunfermline.

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Erskine, Ralph, 1685-1752
Published: Printed at Worcester [Mass.]-- : At the press of Isaiah Thomas, Jun. for Isaiah Thomas, sold at their respective bookstores, and by Thomas and Andrews in Boston.--, February 1798.
Edition:Second American edition from the twentyfourth English edition. In which the Holy Scriptures are fully extended. And to which is now prefixed, an account of the author's life and writings. [One line from Psalms].
Series:Early American imprints. no. 33697.
Physical Description:xii, 1 unnumbered page, 14-360 pages ; 18 cm (12mo)
Format: Microfilm Book

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