Great leap, 1949 / a co-production of WGBH Boston and the BBC ; produced and directed by Jennifer Clayton.

A history of communism in China from the revolution in 1949 to the various reform and protest movements in the 1960's, 1970's and 1980's.

Bibliographic Details
Corporate Authors: WGBH (Television station : Boston, Mass.)
British Broadcasting Corporation
WGBH Video (Firm)
Other Authors: Treharne Jones, Bill
Woodard, Alfre, 1953-
Language and/or Writing System:
In English and Chinese with English voiceovers and subtitles.
Published: Burlington, VT : WGBH Boston Video, [1998]
Physical Description:1 videocassette (60 min.) : sound, color and black and white ; 1/2 in.
Variant Title:
Great leap, communism in China.
Great leap, 1949-77.
Format: Video VHS

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