The solar system 12/2006, 8 planets, the new cosmic order : 19 trillion miles to explore / National Geographic Society.

Visual images and marginalia discussions of the change of Pluto's classification to a dwarf planet and other issues involving exploring the solar system that includes the planet Earth.

Bibliographic Details
Corporate Author: National Geographic Society (U.S.)
Published: Washington, D.C. : National Geographic Society, [2006], ©2006.
Physical Description:2 maps : color ; 51 x 79 cm folded to 20 x 13 cm
Variant Title:
Solar system 12/2006, eight planets, the new cosmic order.
8 planets, the new cosmic order.
Eight planets, the new cosmic order.
19 trillion miles to explore.
Nineteen trillion miles to explore.
Cartographic Data:Not drawn to scale.
Format: Map

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