Includes the voices of Ed Wynn, Franklin Roosevelt, Huey Long, Father Coughlin, the Nazis, David Sarnoff, big bands (Tommy Dorsey, Jimmy Doresey, Benny Goodman, Harry James, Spike Jones and others in a huge collage), Jerry Lewis, Gertrude Berg, Milton Berle, Clem McCarthy at Pimlico, Nat King Cole, Amos & Andy, Sidney Poitier, Bob Culp and Bill Cosby, Harry Belafonte, Biahann Carroll, Lloyd Nolan, Richard Pryor, Chevy Chase. James Earl Jones, Estelle Parsons, Redd Foxx, Hopalong Cassidy, the Cartwrights, "Lucky Lindy", the Hindenberg disaster, Milton Cross, Fred Allen, "Gildersleeve", Burns and Allen, Jack Benny, W.C. Fields, Fibber McGee and Molly, Abbott, and Costello, Brenda & Covina, Don Merdith, Charles Van Doren, and Jack Benny.
Note:Electronic resource.
Call Number:M2493
Voice 13574
Playing Time:00:44:57
Event Details:
Broadcast on NBC TV, Nov. 21, 1976.
Source of Description:
Description based on open-reel tape version record.