Y tu mamá también = And your mother too / IFC Films and Producciones Anhelo present ; a Jorge Vergara production ; produced by Jorge Vergara ; written by Carlos Cuarón ; written, produced, and directed by Alfonso Cuarón.

A pair of teenaged boys from Mexico City are bewitched by an older Spanish woman they meet at a wedding. When she agrees to accompany them on a trip to a faraway beach, the three form an increasingly intense and sensual alliance that ultimately strips them both physically and emotionally bare.

Bibliographic Details
Corporate Authors: IFC Films (Presenter, Production company)
Producciones Anhelo (Presenter, Production company)
Criterion Collection (Firm) (Film distributor)
Other Authors: Cuarón, Alfonso (Film director, Screenwriter, Film producer, Film editor)
Cuarón, Carlos, 1966- (Screenwriter)
Vergara, Jorge (Vergara Madrigal) (Film producer)
García Bernal, Gael, 1978- (Actor)
Luna, Diego, 1979- (Actor)
Verdú, Maribel, 1970- (Actor)
López Mercado, Ana, 1981- (Actor)
Giménez Cacho, Daniel (Actor)
Lubezki, Emmanuel (Cinematographer)
Rodríguez, Alex, 1971- (Film editor)
Žižek, Slavoj (interviewee (expression))
Taylor, Charles (essayist.)
Language of the Original:
Language and/or Writing System:
In Spanish with English subtitles.
Published: [New York, N.Y.] : The Criterion Collection, [2014]
Edition:Director-approved two-DVD special edition.
Series:Criterion collection ; 723.
Physical Description:2 videodiscs (106 minutes) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 folded pamphlet.
Variant Title:
And your mother too. [Parallel title]
Format: Video DVD

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