TV guide : the first 25 years.

"TV Guide: The First 25 Years," television special hosted by Phil Donahue about the history of television since the early 1950s. Includes clips from "I Love Lucy," "The Honeymooners," "Bonanza," "Perry Mason," and many other television programs.

Bibliographic Details
Corporate Authors: Beatles
Doors (Musical group)
Smothers Brothers
Other Authors: Donahue, Phil (Host)
Ball, Lucille, 1911-1989
McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957
Grant, Lee, 1927-
Murrow, Edward R.
Godfrey, Arthur, 1903-1983
Gleason, Jackie, 1916-1987
Carney, Art, 1918-2003
Robertson, Cliff, 1923-2011
Laurie, Piper, 1932-2023
Presley, Elvis, 1935-1977
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963
Chancellor, John, 1927-1996
Astaire, Fred
Landon, Michael, 1936-1991
Burr, Raymond, 1917-1993
Scott, George C., 1927-1999
Jones, James Earl
Van Dyke, Dick
Moore, Mary Tyler, 1936-2017
Streisand, Barbra
Jagger, Mick
Safer, Morley
Nabors, Jim, 1930-2017
Segal, George
Burnett, Carol
Hope, Bob, 1903-2003
Agnew, Spiro T., 1918-1996
Salant, Richard S., 1914-1993
Thomas, Marlo
Carroll, Diahann
Nolan, Lloyd
Lear, Norman
Beatty, Ned
Dean, John W. (John Wesley), 1938-
Cher, 1946-
Midler, Bette
John, Elton
Armstrong, Neil, 1930-2012
McKay, Jim
Tomlin, Lily
Physical Description:1 audio file (1 hr., 21 min., 40 sec.)
Format: Audio Software

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