Breaking barriers 1954.

"Breaking barriers 1954," Topics include the effort led by the March of Dimes and Jonas Salk to distribute the polio vaccine to children in the United States, the development of Rock & Roll and its early success in the general music market, the impact of the Castle Bravo hydrogen bomb detonation on...

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Bibliographic Details
Corporate Author: ABC Television Network (Broadcaster)
Other Authors: Ellerbee, Linda (Reporter)
Gandolf, Ray (Reporter)
Hayes, Helen, 1900-1993 (Speaker)
Salk, Jonas, 1914-1995 (Speaker)
Bandell, Marilynn (Speaker)
Rosenfield, Michael G. (Michael Geoffrey) (Speaker)
Rosenbloom, David (Speaker)
Sinatra, Frank, 1915-1998 (Speaker)
Whitelaw, Elaine (Speaker)
Myers, James E., 1919-2001 (Speaker)
Freed, Alan (Speaker)
Brando, Marlon (Speaker)
Gabler, Milt, 1911-2001 (Speaker)
Turner, Joe, 1911-1985 (Speaker)
Keyes, James (Speaker)
Perkins, John (Speaker)
O'Keefe, Bernard J. (Speaker)
Sheen, Fulton J. (Fulton John), 1895-1979 (Speaker)
Bowen, Ezra, 1891- (Speaker)
Luce, Henry R., 1898-1967 (Speaker)
Kauffman, Mark (Speaker)
Caesar, Sid, 1922-2014 (Speaker)
Coca, Imogene (Speaker)
Reiner, Carl, 1922-2020 (Speaker)
McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957 (Speaker)
Symington, Stuart, 1901-1988 (Speaker)
St. Clair, James D., 1920-2001 (Speaker)
Fisher, Frederick G., 1921-1989 (Speaker)
Welch, Joseph N., 1890-1960 (Speaker)
Horwich, Frances R. (Frances Rappaport), 1908-2001 (Speaker)
Brown, Linda Carol (Speaker)
Brown, Leola (Speaker)
Scott, Charles S., 1921-1989 (Speaker)
Wilson, Frank (Speaker)
Physical Description:1 audio file (48 min., 17 sec.)
Format: Audio Software

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