Münchne Buß-Ordnung von 1587 : manuscript.

Collected laws relating to marketing ordinances (buying, selling, property, etc.)

Bibliographic Details
Local Note:
MSU: Criminology collection.
Binding Information:
Original half-leather with black and brown paste paper over pasteboard, five raised cords; spine title and decorations in gold tooling, blue and white marbled endpapers, rubricated text in red, blue, and black, initials, edges stained red, yellow silk bookmark sewed in.
Physical Description:1 volume (164 hand-numbered pages, 4 unnumbered pages) ; 30 x 21 cm
Variant Title:
Erneuerung und Ersetzung des Straff- oder Pueßbuechs, den sechsten Monatstag July Anno 1587
Format: Manuscript Book

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