Being Melania : the first lady.

In an exclusive interview, Melania Trump discusses her role as First Lady of the United States. She talks about losing her privacy, the projects she wants to work on, how she tries to influence her husband, how she copes with allegations of her husband's infidelity, and the strength of her marriage...

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Bibliographic Details
Corporate Author: ABC Television Network (Broadcaster)
Other Authors: Trump, Melania, 1970- (Interviewee)
Llamas, Tom, 1979- (Interviewer)
Trump, Donald, 1946- (Speaker)
Walters, Barbara, 1929- (Speaker)
Roberts, Cokie (Speaker)
Vega, Cecilia, 1977- (Speaker)
Grisham, Stephanie, 1977- (Speaker)
Karl, Jonathan, 1968- (Speaker)
Quinn, Sally (Speaker)
Bennett, Kate (Journalist) (Speaker)
Kimmel, Jimmy, 1967- (Speaker)
Williams, Brian, 1959 May 5- (Speaker)
Christie, Chris (Speaker)
McBride, Anita (Anita B.) (Speaker)
Trump, Donald, Jr., 1977- (Speaker)
Giuliani, Rudolph W. (Speaker)
Hannity, Sean, 1961- (Speaker)
Moran, Terry (Speaker)
Physical Description:1 audio file (38 min., 29 sec.)
Format: Audio Software

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