Practica teutsch auff das tausent funffhundert vnd XXViij. Jar / durch Christofferum Hoschstetter, Doctor der Ertzney, &c., auffs kürtzst gemacht.

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Hochstetter, Christoph (Author)
Published: [Germany? : name of publisher not provided, approximately 1527]
Ownership and Custodial History:
Inscription in an early hand at head of title page: "das gebot gebot"; bookseller's description, by W. S. Cotter Rare Books, Austin, Texas, available in MSS 466, Box 5, Folder 120.
Binding Information:
In later wrappers of 18th-century blue drab paper, unlettered.
Physical Description:16 unnumbered pages : illustration ; 20 cm (quarto)
Variant Title:
Practica teutsch auff das tausent funffhundert und XXViij. Jar
Practica teutsch auff das tausent funffhundert vnd XXViij Jar
Practica teutsch auff das tausent funffhundert vnd XXViii. Jar
Practica teutsch auff das tausent funffhundert und XXViii. Jar
Format: Book

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