Miradas = Glances / ICAIC ; guión, Sigfredo Ariel, Enrique Álvarez ; dirección, Kike Álvarez.

A young man's opportunity to leave Cuba and make his mark in New York depends on photographs he just destroyed. As he attempts to recreate his portfolio he finds himself entwined in the lives of the people he photographs, all of whom have their own reason to leave, return to or stay in Cuba.

Bibliographic Details
Corporate Authors: Instituto Cubano de Arte e Industria Cinematográfica
Audiovisuales ICAIC Producción / Distribución
Other Authors: Álvarez, Enrique, 1961-
Ariel, Sigfredo, 1962-
Mulkay, Mijail, 1974-
Arenal, Jacqueline
Porto, Manuel
Navarro, Miguel
Language of the Original:
Language and/or Writing System:
In Spanish with English subtitles.
Physical Description:1 videodisc (approximately 90 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
Variant Title:
Glances [Parallel title]
Format: Video DVD

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