Suwingu gāruzu = Swing girls / Tōhō Kabushiki Kaisha ; henshū Miyajima Ryūji ; kantoku, kyakuhon Yaguchi Shinobu.

スウィングガールズ = Swing girls / 東宝株式会社 ; 編集宮島竜治 ; 監督, 脚本矢口史靖.

Feel-good comedy about a bunch of girls who form a group to perform big band jazz. There are only sixteen of them, which is too few for a regular brass band, but perfect for a big band. Presto, the Swing Girls (and a boy) are born!

Bibliographic Details
Corporate Authors: Tōhō Kabushiki Kaisha = 東宝株式会社
Fuji Terebijon, Kabushiki Kaisha = フジテレビジョン, 株式会社
Other Authors: Yaguchi, Shinobu, 1967- = 矢口史靖
Miyajima, Ryūji = 宮島竜治
Ueno, Juri, 1986- = 上野樹里
Hiraoka, Yūta, 1984- = 平岡祐太
Kanjiya, Shihori, 1985- = 貫地谷しほり
Motokariya, Yuika, 1987- = 本仮屋ユイカ
Toyoshima, Yukari, 1983- = 豊島由佳梨
Takenaka, Naoto = 竹中直人
Language and/or Writing System:
In Japanese with optional subtitles in Japanese and English.
Published: [Tōkyō] : Fuji Terebi, [2005]
Edition:Sutandādo edishon.
Physical Description:1 videodisc (105 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 insert.
Variant Title:
Swing girls [Parallel title]
Format: Video DVD

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