Fei qì zhi cheng = City of lost things / chu pin Ying yi zhi zuo suo gu fen you xian gong si, You xi ju zi shu wei ke ji gu fen you xian gong si, Taizhong pai ; zhi zuo Ying yi zhi zuo suo gu fen you xian gong si ; jian zhi Li Lie ; bian ju, dao yan Yi Zhiyan.

廢棄之城 = City of lost things / 出品影一製作所股份有限公司, 遊戲橘子數位科技股份有限公司, 臺中拍 ; 製作影一製作所股份有限公司 ; 監製李烈 ; 編劇, 導演易智言.
Bibliographic Details
Corporate Authors: Ying yi zhi zuo suo gu fen you xian gong si = 影一製作所股份有限公司, 遊戲橘子數位科技股份有限公司(Presenter, Production company)
You xi ju zi shu wei ke ji gu fen you xian gong si = 臺中拍(Presenter)
Taizhong pai = 得利影視股份有限公司 (台北, 台灣)(Presenter)
De li ying shi gu fen you xian gong si (Taipei, Taiwan) (Publisher)
Other Authors: Li, Lie, 1958- = 李烈, 易智言(Film producer, Voice actor)
Yi, Zhiyan, 1959- = 鍾元勝, 祝淳榮(Screenwriter, Film director)
Zhong, Yuansheng = 柯智豪(Animator)
Zhu, Chunrong = 張孝全(Animator)
Ke, Zhihao, 1977- = 黃河(composer (expression))
Zhang, Xiaoquan, 1983- = 桂綸鎂(Voice actor)
Huang, He, 1989- = 高捷(Voice actor)
Gui, Lunmei, 1983- (Voice actor)
Gao, Jie, 1958- (Voice actor)
Language of the Original:
Language and/or Writing System:
In Chinese (Mandarin) with optional traditional Chinese or English subtitles.
Published: Taibei Shi : De li ying shi gu fen you xian gong si, 2022.
Physical Description:1 videodisc (91 min.) : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
Variant Title:
City of lost things [Parallel title]
Format: Video DVD

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