Beginner English grammar book for Danes : altered grammar book used as a cookbook.

Repurposed English/Danish language reader/grammar book used as cookbook housing pasted in handwritten recipes as well as recipes clipped from newspapers. Approximately 57 recipes affixed to approximately 37 pages (and endpapers) of book. Back free endpaper has Chart for baked and steamed puddings gl...

Full description

Bibliographic Details
Language and/or Writing System:
Text in Danish and English; some Fraktur
Ownership and Custodial History:
Unread inscription on front free endpaper, dated 11 February [18]82, is partially obscured by pasted-in newspaper clipping.
Laid-in newspaper clipping with a recipe for sweet pickles; removed and available, along with bookseller's business card, in Manuscript Provenance File.
Binding Information:
Quarter bindings, leather bindings, marbled paper over pasteboards, lacks most of spine, evidence of gold printing on spine remnants. Pages [v-vi?] torn out.
Physical Description:198 pages ; 19 cm
Variant Title:
Altered grammar book used as a cookbook
Format: Book

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