Manuscript cookbook of Mrs. A.H. Chapman / [compiled by] Mrs. A.H. Chapman.

"Although the book was produced to enable housewives to manage their recipe clippings in an organized scrapbook-like manner, Mrs. Chapman used the book to record her personal recipes, which include casseroles, cakes, pies, chili sauces, puddings, pickles, and preserves; a number of the handwritten r...

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Bibliographic Details
Other Authors: Chapman, A. H., Mrs. (Compiler)
Ownership and Custodial History:
"[Former] Owner's signature, "Mrs. A.H. Chapman," appears at top of front pastedown, the 1930 and 1940 Federal Censuses record Henry A. Chapman in Chattanooga, married to Minnie L. Chapman, born 1888. Mrs. Chapman's handwriting is in the style of that taught in U.S. public schools in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Further indication that the author is Minnie (Mrs. Henr A.) Chapmman is the reference to "Bill's Aunt Winn's recipe" on page 53; laid in at the same page but in a different hand is that same recipe identified simply at "Aunt Winn's recipe." The 1940 Federal Census reports that a William Baler, age 17, was a lodger at the Henry A. and Minnie L. Chapman residence."--bookseller's information.
"List 186, Item 57"--on small slip of paper laid-in.
Bookseller's description available in Manuscript Provenance File.
Binding Information:
Case binding; olive green linen boards
Physical Description:12 unnumbered pages, 60 pages, 186 unnumbered pages) ; 20 x 13 cm
Variant Title:
Manuscript cook book of Missus A.H. Chapman [Other title]
Recipes [Cover title]
Recipes [Spine title]
Format: Book

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