Note:Beginning with volumes 26, 1964, volumes alternate coverage between social sciences and humanities.
Call Number:Z1601 .H23
Published:no. [1]- 1935-
Issuing Body Note:
Vols. for 1935-40 edited for the Committee on Latin American Studies for the American Council of Learned Societies; 1941-42 for the Joint Committee on Latin American Studies; 1943-45 for the Library of Congress (and the Joint Committee on Latin American Studies, 1943-44).
Prepared 1946-71 by the Hispanic Foundation of the Library of Congress; 1972-1977, by the Latin American, Portuguese, and Spanish Division of the Library of Congress; 1978- by the Hispanic Division, Library of Congress.
Cumulative Indexes:
Author index: Nos. 1-28, 1936-1966. 1 v.