Cepalindex, documentos del sistema CEPAL = Cepalindex, ECLAC system documents.

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Bibliographic Details
Previous Title:Cepalindex, resúmenes de trabajos del sistema CEPAL
Corporate Author: United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. Biblioteca
Language:Multiple languages
Language and/or Writing System:
In English and Spanish.
Published: Santiago de Chile ; Washington, D.C. : Naciones Unidas, Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, Biblioteca, 1992-1998.
Physical Description:volumes ; 27 cm
Vol. 20 is available on the internet in the form of a bibliographical database covering ECLAC documentation issued since 1948.
Variant Title:
Documentos del sistema CEPAL.
Cepalindex, ECLAC system documents. [Parallel title]
ECLAC system documents.
Format: Serial

MSU Remote Storage

Holdings details from MSU Remote Storage
Call Number: HC121 .C372
Issues: v.16(1993)-v.17(1994)
HC121 .C372 v.16 1993 Available Get this
HC121 .C372 v.17 1994 Available Get this

Numbering Peculiarities

Vol. 20, published 1999, issued in 2 v., commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Commission, cumulates documents published from 1948 to 1997.