  • Dibéwagendamowin-Krohirohi: Reflections on Sacred Images on the Rock / William A. Allen, Gerard O'Regan, Perry Fletcher, and Roger Noganosh
  • The sound of sulfur and smell of lightning: sensing the volcano / Karen Holmber
  • Colored monuments and sensory theater among the Mississippians / Corin C. O. Pursell
  • Maya palaces as experiences: ancient Maya royal architecture and its influence on sensory perception / Ryan Mongelluzzo
  • Coming to our senses at Chavín de Huantar / Mary Weismantel
  • The sensory experience of blood sacrifice in the Roman imperial cult / Candace Weddle
  • Embodying the divine: the sensational experience of the sixth-century eucharist / Heather Hunter-Crawley
  • A sense of touch: "the full-body experience" in the past and present of Çatalhöyük, Turkey / Ruth Tringham
  • Musical space and quiet space in medieval monastic Canterbury / Joe Williams
  • Sustenance, taste, and the practice of community in ancient Mesopotamia / Marie Hopwood
  • The scent of status: prestige and perfume at the Bronze Age palace at Pylos, Greece / Joanne M. A. Murphy
  • A whiff of mortality: the smells of death in Roman and Byzantine Beth She'an-Scythopolis / Emerson Avery
  • Imagined aromas and artificial flowers in Minoan society / Jo Day
  • Craft and sensory play in late Bronze Age Boeotia / Anastasia Dakouri-Hild
  • Scents and sensibilities: the phenomenology of late Neolithic Iberian slate plaque production / Jonathan T. Thomas
  • The production process as sensory experience: making and seeing iron in colonial New England / Krysta Ryzewski
  • Beyond the display case: creating a multisensory museum experience / Catherine P. Foster
  • Imagined narratives: sensuous lives in the Chacoan Southwest / Ruth M. Van Dyke
  • Afterword: eleven theses on the archaeology of the senses / Yannis Hamilakis.