Electronic reproduction of selected material from the National Archives (U.K.). Files ADM 51/3466, ADM 1/3141, CO 2/6, CO 267-11, CO 267-11, CO 267/127, CO 268/4, FO 2/28, FO 315/23, FO 315/31, FO 315/32, FO 315/33, FO 315/34, FO 315/35, FO 315/36, FO 84/1310, FO 97/605, FO 84/65, FO 84/66, FO 95/9/2, FO 84/1, FO 84/2, FO 84/46, HCA 49/97, including: captains' logs of HMS Sybille and HMS Dryad, flag ships on the African Station (1826-1830 and 1830-1832 respectively) employed in the capture of ships believed to be illegally trading in slaves; papers on Admiral Lord Exmouth's mission to the Barbary powers to negotiate for the abandonment of Christian slavery; reports on African forts including a census of population and liberated Africans; minute book of trials held at Sierra Leone Mixed Commission Court, 1826-1837; registers of slave emancipated, Sierra Leone 1820-1845; cases heard by the Sierra Leone Vice-Admiralty Court, 1808-1817.
Note:Title supplied by cataloguer.
Electronic resource.