The diamond setter / Moshe Sakal ; translated from the Hebrew by Jessica Cohen.

"The uneventful life of a jeweler from Tel Aviv changes abruptly in 2011 after Fareed, a handsome young man from Damascus, crosses illegally into Israel and makes his way to the ancient port city of Jaffa in search of his roots. In his pocket is a piece of a famous blue diamond known as "Sabakh." In...

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Bibliographic Details
Uniform Title:Tsoref. English
Main Author: Saḳal, Moshe (Author)
Other Authors: Cohen, Jessica (Translator)
Language of the Original:
Language and/or Writing System:
In English, translated from the Hebrew.
Published: New York : Other Press, [2017]
Physical Description:298 pages ; 22 cm
Format: Book

MSU Main Library

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Call Number: PJ5055.4.A375 T7613 2017

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