The Buyer's Guide : Catalogue 1927.

Bibliographic Details
Corporate Author: Adam Matthews Digital (Firm) (digitiser.)
Published: Marlborough, Wiltshire : Adam Matthew Digital, 2017.
advertising; alcohol; animal; architecture; art; automobile; baby carriage; baking; ball; bank; basket; bath; blinds; bookcase; books and comics; buggy; builder; business; camping; car; carpet and flooring; carriage; cart; child; children's furniture; clock; clothing; coaster; colonial furniture; color; comfort; commercial; competition; conservatory; construction; cooking; crockery; curtain; cushion; cutlery; dairy; decor; design; diary; dining; dining room; doctor; drug; dry goods; education; electric; embroidery; engineer; eyes; factory; feather; flowers; food; footwear; fur; furniture; gallery; game; garden; gas; gasoline; gift; glassware; globe; grain; headwear and millinery; heating; hobby; housekeeping; hunting; instructions; jewellery; kitchen utensils; label; laundry; lavatory; leather; lighting; livestock; living room; lock; loom; luxury; machinery; magazine; mail; mail order; manual tools; manufacturing; map; medicine; merchandise; metalware; money; music and music player; musical instrument; news; novelty; nursery; office; oil; oil stove; outerwear; outfitter; ovens and stoves; packaging; paint; patent; petrol; phonograph; piano; pillow; plants; plate; poster; property; radiator; radio; railroad; refrigerator; restaurant; retail; safe; sales representative; sample; sanitary; science; sewing; shoe; silk; silver and silverware; sled; smoking and tobacco; soft furnishings; sport; talking machine; telephone; tool; toys; trademark; trophy; typewriter; upholstery; vacation; vacuum cleaner; vegetable; wallet; washing machine; wheel
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