Yahulatañā daraǧā yaʼAmareñā yaʼEngelizeñā sawāsew / ba Gabra Ḥeywat Maḥari nā Yāréd Fantā = High school Amharic & English grammar / by Gabre Hiwet Mehari and Yared Fenta.

ሁለተኛ ደረጃ የአማርኛ የፕረቪዠንስ, አማርኛ-እንግሊዝኛ ሰዋስው / በ ገብረ ሕይወት መሐሪ ና ያሬድ ፈንታ.
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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Gabra Ḥeywat Maḥari (Author)
Yāréd Fantā (Author)
Language and/or Writing System:
In Amharic and English
Local Note:
MSU: Bilingual errata sheet inserted.
MSU: Gift of the Grover M. Hudson estate.
Physical Description:167 pages ; 21 cm
Variant Title:
High school Amharic & English grammar [Other title]
Yanegeger ser'atoče-'enā aggababočč = Rules & forms of speech = የንግግር ሥርዓቶችና አገባቦች [Cover title]
Rules & forms of speech [Other title]
Format: Book

MSU Main Library

Holdings details from MSU Main Library
Call Number: PJ9213 .G33 1981

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